Saturday, 2 January 2016

Are We Really There !!

So many of us are happy and content with where we are, but are we really there ???

Seems like a pretty confusing statement or question but on its deep end lies a weird paradox that not only leaves us wondering about what all needs to be achieved in life before we can really start to feel happy and satisfied but also leaves us wanting more in each aspect of life.
The want that many regard as an unsatisfied hunger of an individual yet a select few term as the needs of walking through the path of thorns to an unattainable peak of success. The want that can be characterized by the fact that we are always hungry for more in whatever we do , hear , see or eat.

The wants and the needs that can be justified by how you feel when you see and read about an entire generation of your age group making it huge in the entrepreneurial world and the sporting carnivals, the success stories of the so called talented and hard working people that throng the online motivational stories that make you question your own ability at making the life as humongous as you think it ought to be.
The vision that can be understood by the fact that a lot of your peers and friends are making more money than you and some of them have even reached a pinnacle of some sorts ( obviously that's their perspective ) in what ever field they are pursuing their dreams in and yet you find yourself in an insurmountable rut that keeps on getting deeper the more hard you try to dig out of it.

PS : It is just what our own perspective is about what and where we really are and what all we can fight to achieve what ever we want to..!!

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