Friday, 11 April 2014

Tehelke ka Tehelka !!

In the times when all the abstracts of the human life have gone inside to rot down an unimaginable fear inducing deep sea of malice , the times where the things that used to be of utmost importance to the humans of this nation have taken a back seat as far as one can imagine , the times when some how the crime rate that was always high has finally started to reach the masses , the times where the generation that was so callous towards the national problems has finally begun to take amazing strides towards integrity albeit slowly , the times when all of a sudden the assaults against the Female population has become so prevalent that instead of only being voiced against in Newspapers  , TV channels and Silent Protests , the bloggers have started a widespread channelization to make this so brutal and inhuman act against the conscience of a human to reach the masses.
That was quite a long statement about the times we are living in , but seriously something needs to be done to this country and its male population. If what they are saying Mr Tehelka did to a junior colleague in that lift or whatever the details hold is proven true, i believe that there is gonna be a widespread opening of the can of worms against the corporate sexual advances thing. Even though just hearing stories doesn't make me liable to write about this , but the thing that the ShowBiz industry calls " Casting Couch " has been going on in almost all the industries world wide.  The Media industry , the BPO sector do consist of some of the most intimidating secrets of this so called obsessive disorder that prevails in the minds of a hell lot more population than what the Aam Aadmi thinks it does.
I myself never paid too much heed to the media industry and the Tehelka magazine as such but reading the articles doing the rounds on the net it seems that a lot of people did have high regards for Mr Tehelka an with these accusations the so called belief in the goodness of the deeds and the people has once again been back stabbed. It is more or less the same affect that was cast on a world wide following of the greatest cyclist of all time Mr Armstrong , when the flabbergasting revelations of his doping scandal came to light.
Time has once again started to defy the logic of being good without any blemishes but we as humans must never let our belief on the abstract values of goodness  , kindness and dignity wander for even a bit for they are pretty much important for letting the humanity stay grounded in us Humans. Its time when we for a moment or two stop idolizing all those celebrities we have been looking up to since long and instead awaken our own selves for the drastic needs of the nation
P.S - Elections are coming closer. Go make your Voter ID's \m/

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