Friday, 11 April 2014

Paradigm Shift !!

This was being written at the time when another shifting was looming at our heads. The shifting of the flats that is very normally associated with each and every bachelor living in the city of dreams or for that matter in the ghost city the Future of Mumbai "Navi Mumbai". The life that we spend away from our homes , away from our parents , away from being under the watchful eyes of elders that almost everyone calls as independent, out of the box living can be sadistic at times.
The Paradigm shift that actually should take place once every eleven months and has taken place in our lives 6 times in exactly 4 years and truly and undoubtedly has made the life relentless.
The void that gets created when you leave a place where in everything had been made to look settled in the past can be wretched at times. The feeling of restlessness of shifting to a new place and the overall effort along with the tiredness not only stresses the body but leaves the mind in a tizzy.
Even more amazingly difficult is to cope up with the fact of having to say goodbye to your room mates or for that matter the Family of friends ( it would be apt) and moving on to new places with new faces , the energy sapping work of having to adjust and start all over again.
The extended family never ceases to be friends while also coping up with the responsibility of acting like a pseudo family and the act of moving on can lead to separation symptoms in any human being.
If studies are the make or break time , the bachelor period of one's professional life is like a thin balanced thread hanging between imaginary skyscrapers always willing to move you down into the ground for you can only do is to hold onto something and never give up.
P.S - Life is a test of character and the Paradigm Shift is just a small question that if answered correctly would not only give you a bonus of new friends but also help you explore life up to unknown avenues..

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